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INDAH MAWARTI - Personal Name

The Correlation between Intelligence Quotient and English Achievement of the Second Grade Students of SMAN 8 Samarinda in Academic Year 2015/2016


Mawarti, Indah. 2016.The Correlation Study between Intelligence Quotient and English Achievement of the Second Grade Students of SMAN 8 Samarinda in Academic Year 2015/2016. S-1 Thesis.English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Mulawarman University, Samarinda. Advisors: (1) Dr. HasbiSjamsir, M.Hum. (2) Dian Anggriyani, S.Pd, M.A.

The purposes of this study were: (1) to find out the IQ score of the second grade students of SMAN 8 Samarinda in academic year 2015/2016, (2) to find out English achievement of the second grade students of SMAN 8 Samarinda in academic year 2015/2016 and (3) to find outthe correlation between intelligence quotient and English achievement of the second grade students of SMAN 8
Samarinda in academic year 2015/2016.

The design of this study was correlational with quantitative approach. The population of this study was the whole second grade students; consisting of three science classes and two social classes. The researcher took 60 students as the sample of the research by using random sampling method. The data were collected by using documentation scores from the school counseling teacher to get students’ IQ scores and gave English test to measure students’ English achievement. Then, the quantitative data (IQ scores and English test results) were correlated using Pearson’s formula on SPSS 21.

This study showed three findings. First, the result of intelligence quotient was 102.3 and classified as average level of intelligence quotient. Second, the result of English achievement was 69.03 and classified as good level of achievement. Third, the result of the research showed that the computed r (rc) was
0.752 and r table (rt) was 0.273. So, rc was higher than rt (0.752 > 0.273). This
means that the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. There is a significant
correlation between intelligence quotient and English achievement. Key words: Intelligence quotient, English achievement.



Detail Information

Judul The Correlation between Intelligence Quotient and English Achievement of the Second Grade Students of SMAN 8 Samarinda in Academic Year 2015/2016
Pengarang INDAH MAWARTI - Personal Name
No. Panggil
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2016
Lampiran Berkas

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