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Fetri Dian Lestari - Personal Name

The Effect of Using Mobile Devices Toward Students’ English Vocabulary of Eleventh Graders of SMK TI Airlangga Samarinda


Lestari, F.D. (2016). The Effect of Using Mobile Devices Towards Students English Vocabulary of Eleventh Graders of SMK TI Airlangga Samarinda. Thesis. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Mulawarman University. Samarind. Advisors : (1) Dr. Saraka M. Ali, M.Pd., (2) Dian Anggiyani, M.A.

This thesis investigated on the effect of using mobile devices toward students‟ English vocabulary of eleventh graders of SMK TI Airlangga Samarinda.

The purposes of the study were: (1) To know how is the English vocabulary of students who used mobile devices. (2) To know how is the English vocabulary of students who did not use mobile devices, (3) To know whether ther is any significant effect of the students who used mobile devices and students who did not use mobile devices on their reading comprehension.

The participants of the study were the students from class XI MM and XI TKJ of SMK TI Airlangga Samarinda. The number of participants were 60 students. The quasi-experimental design was used in this study and two groups were formed using cluster sampling by matching its mean average score. Where XI MM as the experimental group (used mobile devices) while XI TKJ as control group (did not use mobile devices).

The result of the study showed that both of the groups were improved on the post-test. The control group received average score 50,6 in thr pre-test while in the post-test their average score was improved by 9 points with score 59,6. Similar to the control group, the average score of the experimental group was 50,9 which increased by 17,1 point which the average score in the post-test was 68. Looked at the imrovement of both of group, the experimental group did outperform the control group in the post-test by 8,4 points of difference. To find out the significancy effect, calculation using t-test formula was needed. Based on the computation, the t-value vas 1,767 significant level 95% (a=0,05) while the ttable

was 2,009 (df=58). Because t-value (1,767) was lower than the t-table (2,009), therefore, Ho was accepted and Ha was rejected. Then the acceptance hypothesis was Ho where “There is no significant effect between the use of mobile devices toward students‟ English vocabulary of the eleventh graders of SMK TI Airlangga Samarinda.



Detail Information

Judul The Effect of Using Mobile Devices Toward Students’ English Vocabulary of Eleventh Graders of SMK TI Airlangga Samarinda
Pengarang Fetri Dian Lestari - Personal Name
No. Panggil
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2016
Lampiran Berkas

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