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Ayu Susilawati - Personal Name

Analysis of Code- Switching and Code-Mixing in the Novel “After the Honeymoon” by Ollie

Susilawati, Ayu. 2009.Analysis of Code- Switching and Code-Mixing in the Novel After the Honeymoon by Ollie S-1 Thesis. English Department.Faculty of teacher Training and Education. Mulawarman University. Advisor: (I) DR. Susilo, M.Pd (II) Drs. Didik Sucahyo, dip.TESL.
The purpose of this study is to find out the use of code switching and code mixing in the novel After the Honeymoon by Ollie. This study investigates the typesof code switching and code mixing which occur in the dialogues spoken by thecharacters, the reasons why the characters switch or mix their dialogues, and thecontext of code switching and code mixing in the dialogues. The data were collectedby writing the dialogues containing code mixing and code switching in a field noteand then marking the mixed words or switched phrases or sentences in the dialogues.
The result of this study showed that there were five out from six types of codeswitching and code mixing which found in the novel After the Honeymoon by Ollie.
Yet, it was found out that there was a new type of code mixing in the novel, whichwas involving a change of spelling. Most of the characters in the novel After theHoneymoon by Ollie use intra-sentential mixing in their dialogues. It was becausethere were quite many words in English that were familiar to them and they can usethem in their sentences easily.
From the ten reasons why bilingual people switch or mix their codes, therewere nine reasons that used to explain the code switching and code mixing in thenovel After the Honeymoon by Ollie. Most of the characters switched or mixed theircodes in order to express their group identity, which means that they belong to aparticular speech community, of which the members were able to use both Englishand Indonesian language in their dialogues.
In this study, it was also found out that the contexts in which the charactersdid code switching and code mixing was in informal situation. They used codeswitching and code mixing to express their feelings and emotions, such as angr,empathy, or just usual statements. In this case, they felt more comfortable to do codeswitching and code mixing because they did not want to be too melancholic if theyjust used Indonesian language in their dialogues.



Detail Information

Judul Analysis of Code- Switching and Code-Mixing in the Novel “After the Honeymoon” by Ollie
Pengarang Ayu Susilawati - Personal Name
No. Panggil
Bahasa Indonesia
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2010
Lampiran Berkas

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