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KHAIRUNNISA - Personal Name

THE USE OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN “CONFESSION OF SHOPAHOLIC” MOVIE. (A Descriptive Study OnComperhensive Understanding Of Particular Meanings)


Khairunnisa. 2016. The Using of Figurative Language in Confession of a Shopaholic MovieS1 Thesis. English Departement Faculty Of teacher Training and Education. Mulawarman University. Advisor (1) Dr. Y. YohansyahArifin,,Drs (II) Drs. Suyatman
Refering to the previous explanations the writer is interested to see the role of figurative language in the movie and what types of figurative language are mostly used. Futher more the writer also wants to find out the real meanings of the figurative language used in the movie.
The objective of this study to examine the types of figurative language which used in “ Confession of a Shopaholic Movie” and to reveal the real meaning in “Confession of a Shopaholic Movie”
Thisresearch used descriptive qualitative design. In the process of analysis, a flow model of analysis proposed by Miles and Huberman has been used. They defined as; Data reduction, Data respresentation, and conclusion drawing and verivication. The source of data are taken from the Confession of Shopaholic Movie in form of disk and sentences fragment of transcript.
The result of this study is that are some of figurative languages used in the dialogue of the movie. From the analysis, it can be concluded in the movie that there are metaphor, simile, hyperbole, personification, paradox, metonymy and irony. and Example the real meaning in Methapor: Real prices got you shinyThe meaning: The real price means store price or expensive price that makes good thing and wonderful thing. Simile: They were beautiful like fairies or princesses.The meaning: When they use good clothes or wonderful thing, they look like princess, Hyperbole:You see, a man will never love you or treat you as well as a store.The meaning: Shopping is number one, and her think store is better than boys. Personification: And a store always smiles well.The meaning: Store invites her to come. Paradox: There were real prices and mom prices.The meaning: Real price is expensive price and mom price is market price. Metonymy:I'm here for the interview at Alette Magazine. The meaning: She have secretly interview. Irony:Oh, my God. Somebody has stolen my credit card and gone! The meaning: She tells her friend, if her credit card lost and someone take it from Bex.At the end, the researcher hopes this thesis would be useful to the next resecher who are interested to do same research.



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Judul THE USE OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN “CONFESSION OF SHOPAHOLIC” MOVIE. (A Descriptive Study OnComperhensive Understanding Of Particular Meanings)
Pengarang KHAIRUNNISA - Personal Name
No. Panggil
Bahasa Indonesia
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2016
Lampiran Berkas

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