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Exel Mycoriza Zwageri - Personal Name

Dissociative Identity Disorder on Marc Spector in Moon Knight Series (2022)

Dissociative Identity Disorder is mental disorder that affect some people among us. People with this symptom is experienced a trauma that affect their behaviour, lifestyle, and the view of life. The purpose of this research is to give awareness to people about these types of mental health that can be happen to the people around us. This research used qualitative method and Dissociative Identity Disorder theory by Elizabeth Howell, in analysing the character Marc Spector in Moon Knight series. The result of the research shows the characteristic and causes of the DID that happened to Marc Spector. Marc Spector here has two personalities there are Steven Grant as the second personality and Jake Lockley as the third personality. There are three symptoms that are pictured in the series that happen to Marc Spector such as amnesia when Steven as the second personality forget about anything that happened to him before, switching when each personality can control the body that is triggered occurring to some kind of events, and schizophrenia when Steven as the second personality hearing the voices inside his head and seeing a figure that is not real. The cause of Marc Spector experienced DID is trauma. There are three types of traumas that Marc Spector experienced when he was a kid trauma of rage when his mother blamed him and expressed it to Marc, trauma of nature indifference when young Marc did not feel the love of his mother like it was before the death of his brother, also trauma of physical and psychological limitation when Marc cannot express the feel and the expression of happy after the incident that happened to him as a kid.



Detail Information

Judul Dissociative Identity Disorder on Marc Spector in Moon Knight Series (2022)
Pengarang Exel Mycoriza Zwageri - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI EXE d 2024
Subyek Dissociative Identity Disorder
Moon Knight series
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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