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Dhella Nadaa Sylva - Personal Name

Personality Development of the Main Character in Jojo Rabbit Film (2019)

In this research, the researcher focused on analyzing the personality development of Johannes Jojo Betzler in the Jojo Rabbit film by using Elizabeth Hurlock's theory to analyze Jojo's personality. The analysis is about Jojo undergoes personality and as the story goes by, his personality develops after several experiences that influence his personality development. Hurlock stated that there are seven factors that can influence a person’s personality. Those factors are physical changes, environment, significant people, social pressure, roles, strong motivation, and psychotherapy. Still, the research only found five factors among the seven factors that have been stated by Hurlock. The factors that influence Jojo’s personality are physical changes, environment, significant people, roles, and strong motivations. The conclusion findings from those several factors are Jojo’s personality development from a naive, imaginative, and indoctrinated child to a realistic, compassionate, resilient, and morally conscious individual illustrates the impact of external influences and personal experiences on personality. His journey emphasizes the potential for growth and redemption even in the darkest circumstances, showcasing the power of empathy and human connection in overcoming prejudice and hate.



Detail Information

Judul Personality Development of the Main Character in Jojo Rabbit Film (2019)
Pengarang Dhella Nadaa Sylva - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI DHE p 2024
Subyek character
Jojo Rabbit
personality development
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
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