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I Kadek Bayu Santika - Personal Name

Pengaruh Aplikasi Trichoderma sp. Terhadap Intensitas Serangan Hama Pada Jagung Manis (Zea mays L. Saccharata Sturt.)

Maize is one of the second most important food commodities after rice. The demand for maize continues to increase for various needs, mainly for animal feed, food industry, and consumption. Maize cultivation is inseparable from the attack of insect pest. Control that can be done by using edofitic fungi to promote plant defense against herbivores. Therefore, in this research we examined the Trichoderma sp. treated maize growth and its response to herbivore attack. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pest and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Mulawarman University, and Kertabuana Village, Tenggarong Seberang District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency from May to August 2023. The experiments were done in the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), consisted of four defferent Trichoderma sp. doses (0 g; 5 g; 10; 15 g per plant), it’s treatment was repeated six times. Result showed that the Trichoderma sp. application gave a significant effect on the pest attack intensity, plant height, number of leaves, and fresh cob weight. The effect on the variable of pest attack intensity was seen in the observation of 6 weeks after planting and 7 weeks after planting. The effect on the variables of plant height and number of leaves was seen in the observation of 8 weeks after planting. While the cob weight variable was seen after harvesting. Giving a dose of Trichoderma sp. starter as much as 15 grams gave the best response on the observation variables compared to control.



Detail Information

Judul Pengaruh Aplikasi Trichoderma sp. Terhadap Intensitas Serangan Hama Pada Jagung Manis (Zea mays L. Saccharata Sturt.)
Pengarang I Kadek Bayu Santika - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI IKA p 2024
Subyek Trichoderma Sp.
jagung manis
Bahasa Indonesia
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Fakultas Pertanian
Jurusan Agroekoteknologi
Lampiran Berkas

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