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MIA AGUSTINA - Personal Name

The Correlation between Language Learning Strategies and Thinking Styles of The Fourth Semester Students of English Language Education Study Program at Mulawarman University

This study was aimed to find out the language learning strategies and thinking styles used by the fourth semester students, and to find out whether there is any significant correlation between language learning strategies and thinking styles. This study employed quantitative-correlational design with the Pearson Correlation to analyze and interpret the data. The population of this study were 100 students with 81 students were taken as sample of the study. The questionnaires were used as the instruments of the study. The first questionnaire was adopted from Oxford’s (1990) Strategy Inventory of Language Learning version 7.0 which consist of 50 items. The second was adopted from Sternberg & Wagner’s (1992) Thinking Styles Inventory questionnaire which consist of 65 items. After the data had been collected, the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, and Pearson correlation coefficient. The first findings showed that the language learning strategies were used by the fourth semester students in the medium to high level of frequency. They mostly preferred to apply compensation strategies, whereas the least used was affective and memory strategies. The second results showed that the thinking styles that mostly used by the students were in the medium to high level. Executive and legislative styles at the high frequency while the global and anarchic styles were in the least of use frequency. Regarding to the correlation between language learning strategies and thinking styles, Pearson correlation coefficient showed that there was a positive correlation between language learning strategies and thinking styles where the p value 0.000



Detail Information

Judul The Correlation between Language Learning Strategies and Thinking Styles of The Fourth Semester Students of English Language Education Study Program at Mulawarman University
Pengarang MIA AGUSTINA - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI MIA t 2024
Subyek Correlational study
language learning strategies
Thinking Styles
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Lampiran Berkas

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