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Kurniawan Noor - Personal Name

The Correlation Between Willingness to Communicate and Speaking Performance of Sixth-Semester Students of The English Department at Mulawarman University in The Academic Year 2023/2024

Noor, Kurniawan. 2024 The Correlation Between Willingness to Communicate and Speaking Performance of Sixth Semester Students of The English Department at Mulawarman University in The Academic Year 2023/2024 Thesis English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Mulawarman University, Samarinda. Advisors: (1) Dr. Yuni Utami Asih, M.Pd (2) Ichi Ahada M.M., M.Pd This study was aims to find out the level of willingness to communicate of English Department students at Mulawarman University, to find out the level of speaking performance of English Department students at Mulawarman University, to find out the relationship between willingness to communicate and speaking performance. This study involved the sixth semester students of English Department at Mulawarman University in 2023/2024 academic year as participants, the design of this study was quantitative with a correlational design. The instrument used in this research is willingness to communicate questionnaire. The result of the questionnaire shows that the average score of the students’ willingness to communicate was 48,19 which is classified as high level. The average score of speaking score was 81,28 which is classified as a very good category. The result of the data analysis shows that Pearson product-moment correlation was 0.0781 and the significant value was 0.529. Since the significant value is higher than the significant level (0.529 > 0.05), it means H0 was accepted and Ha was rejected. In conclusion, there is no significant correlation between willingness to communicate and speaking performance of English Department students at Mulawarman University.



Detail Information

Judul The Correlation Between Willingness to Communicate and Speaking Performance of Sixth-Semester Students of The English Department at Mulawarman University in The Academic Year 2023/2024
Pengarang Kurniawan Noor - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI KUR t 2024
Subyek Speaking performance
Willingness to Communicate
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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