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Ela Ervina - Personal Name

The Correlation Between Vocabulary Size and Listening Comprehension of Undergraduate English Language Department Students' in Mulawarman University

Ervina, Ela. 2024. The Correlation Between Vocabulary Size and Listening Comprehension of Undergraduate English Language Department Students. Thesis. English Language Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Under guidance of Prof. Dr. Hj. Saraka, M.Pd., as the first advisor, and Dr. Phil. Maria T Ping, M.Sc., as the second advisor.
The purposes of the study were: (1) To find out the Vocabulary size level of Undergraduate English Language Department Students at Mulawarman University. (2) To determine listening comprehension of Undergraduate English Language Department Students at Mulawarman University. (3) To find out whether there is significant correlation between Vocabulary size and listening comprehension of Undergraduate English Language Department Students at Mulawarman University. The design of this study was correlation research design using quantitative approach. The population of this study was the Undergraduate students from academic year 2019 at English Language Department Students at Mulawarman University with total population 64 students. Then, the researcher chose 42 students as the sample with specific criteria: undergraduate students from English Department, students who took the MU-EPT no more than 2 years since the test taken. The instruments used in this study were Vocabulary Size Test by Nation and Beglar (2007) was used to measure students’ vocabulary size and students’ listening comprehension was measured by MU-EPT listening section. The research findings showed that the average score of the Vocabulary Size taken by subjects was 8721 word-families, which was considered satisfying for non-native speakers at advanced level, and on MU-EPT listening, many students got high scores, with a mean score was 58.7 and defined as pre-advanced level score in MU-EPT listening. As the result of this study, the calculation results show the rxy = 0.755 with the level of significant of 1%. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, and null hypothesis (Ho) rejected. It can be concluded that vocabulary size could still explain a significant and substantial portion of the variance in listening score. The result thus emphasizes the importance of vocabulary size for the learning process on language proficiency.



Detail Information

Judul The Correlation Between Vocabulary Size and Listening Comprehension of Undergraduate English Language Department Students' in Mulawarman University
Pengarang Ela Ervina - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI ELA t 2024
Subyek Listening Comprehension
Vocabulary Size
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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