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Karina Sofia Kristiyanti - Personal Name

Patriarchal Structures in She Said Film

Patriarchy is a social system that place the idea on how men have control over women and if it continues to be perpetuated it will continued gender inequality. This patriarchal reality has been illustrated in the film entitled She Said by Maria Schrader. The aims of this study is to analyze the patriarchal system faced by the four women in She Said film, these four women include Rose, Zelda, Rowena and Laura. This research is qualitative research in which data are obtained from dialogues, sentences, and scenes that show the patriarchal structures experienced by the four female characters. This research uses patriarchal structure theory by taking a perspective from radical feminism by Sylvia Walby. As the results of this analysis, it is show that the patriarchal structures depicted by the female characters are patriarchal relations in paid employment, patriarchal relations in state, male violence and patriarchal culture. In this research, it was concluded that these four female characters faced a patriarchal system where they experienced oppression and domination in the form of sexual violence committed by Harvey Weinstein. These four characters provide an illustration of how power and fear are used to cover up acts of sexual violence, as well as how their struggle to reveal the truth and bring about significant change by making the perpetrators criminally punished and imprisoned.



Detail Information

Judul Patriarchal Structures in She Said Film
Pengarang Karina Sofia Kristiyanti - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI KAR p 2024
Subyek Patriarchal Structures
Radical Feminism
She Said film
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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