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May's Psychopath Behavior in May Film

This research aims to determine how psychopath behavior is reflected in May in May film, directed by Lucky Mckee. This film tells the story of May, who is obsessed with human body parts and wants to make friends from other human body parts. This research uses the psychopath theory from Stefan H. Verstappen. This study uses a qualitative method, and the data from this research consist of dialogue, internal action, and external action from the main character, who shows six psychopath behaviors from totally eleven Verstappen’s psychopath theory. The result in this research is psychopath behavior depicted in the film is a)anti-social behavior where May from childhood likes to be alone and does not like to play with her friends, b)poor control behavior where May cannot control her emotions when she gets problems, c)impulsive behavior where May carries out her actions without thinking about the risks she would get, d)lack of empathy behavior when she kills
everyone who closest her, e)manipulative behavior where May lies to her victims with an innocent face, and f)lacks of remorse behavior for the actions that May has committed. The analysis shows how the film uses psychopath theory, especially in the psychopath behavior section, to describe how psychopath behaviors occur in real life as presented in literary works.



Detail Information

Judul May's Psychopath Behavior in May Film
Pengarang Erica Charoline Lily Latifah - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI ERI m 2024
Subyek Psychopath
May film
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
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