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Nur Laili Sya'baniyah - Personal Name

Students' Perspectives on The Use of ChatGPT in English Language Learning at Mulawarman University

This study aimed to explore students’ perspectives on the use of ChatGPT and analyze students' process in improving English language skills in English language learning. This qualitative case study gathered the data through semi-structured interviews and documents and analyzed thematically from students in the academic year of 21/22/23 who were selected into 3 categories namely; the highest, the moderate, and the low ChatGPT users from questionnaires. The researcher selected 10% of the students from those categories, and its preliminary findings yielded 11 research participants. Additionally, students' perspectives of this study were categorized into 3 parts, where this study explored students' knowledge and understanding, utilization, and awareness of drawbacks associated with ChatGPT, as well as the potential challenges in academic integrity and ethical issues. It highlighted it is utility, challenges, and alignment with existing theory. Besides that, students' process in improving language skills involves iterative ChatGPT usage, leading to English language skills enhancement, and it is a component, and it also showed after all participants got their increase in improving English language skills and other components, some participants minimized reliance on ChatGPT, while others continued using it to assist their process in English language learning. Hence, this reinforces that the technological advances made by ChatGPT were truly helpful in English language learning



Detail Information

Judul Students' Perspectives on The Use of ChatGPT in English Language Learning at Mulawarman University
Pengarang Nur Laili Sya'baniyah - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI NUR s 2024
Subyek Technology
Students' Perspectives
Students' Process
English Language Skills
English Language Learning
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan seni
Lampiran Berkas

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