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Suji Rahmawati - Personal Name

Pre-service Teachers' Performance in Applying the ARCS Model on Technology in Education Course

This study was aimed to find: (1) pre-service teachers’ performance in applying the ARCS model on technology in education course; (2) pre-service teachers’ difficulties and solution in integrating the ARCS on technology in education. The Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction (ARCS) model is an instructional design framework developed by Keller (2010), the model focuses on strategies to
motivate and engage learners in the educational process. This study utilized a case study with qualitative approach. In this study, the participants were three student-teachers of English Education Department at who met the criteria. The research data were collected through interviews and analyzed using Thematic Analysis, as adopted from Braun & Clarke (2006). The researcher found that the pre-service teachers in Technology in Education course relatively had good knowledge of ARCS components. It was concluded that most of the pre-service teachers were able to integrate the components of ARCS. Some of the pre-service teachers effectively taught their content lesson by using ARCS instructional models with specific technology strategies. The result also showed that various difficulties were faced by the pre-service teachers in integrating ARCS to Technology in Education course. The difficulties included designing the content, translating the material to media, choosing the suitable template, making the material relevant, and setting learning objectives. To overcome these difficulties, pre-service teachers looked for examples, created outlines, and carefully planned the translation of the material



Detail Information

Judul Pre-service Teachers' Performance in Applying the ARCS Model on Technology in Education Course
Pengarang Suji Rahmawati - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI SUJ p 2023
Subyek ARCS,
Pre-Service Teacher
Technology in Education Course,
Teaching Performance
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni
Lampiran Berkas

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