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Khofifah Salsabila - Personal Name

An Analysis of Moral Values in Instant Family (2018) Film

This study aimed to analyze the moral values represented by the main characters in the film entitled Instant Family (2018). The objectives of this study were to find out the types of moral values and to analyze how moral values were represented in the film. In conducting this study, the researcher used the theory of character and characterization to analyze how the main characters were represented in the film and the theory of moral values by Kinnier, et al. to find out the types of moral values which was divided into four types. This study used qualitative research method to present the analysis taken from the scenes and dialogues of the film. The finding of this study showed that there were four types
of moral values found through the main characters; they were commitment to something greater than oneself, self-respect, respect and caring for others, and caring for other living beings and environment. Commitment to something greater than oneself was shown through the main characters by always sticking for the truth instead of society judgments toward individual or groups. The next moral value represented by the main character was self-respect. Self-respect was used in the way that it affected others in equal respect. Another moral value found in the film was respect and caring for others. It was reflected through the interconnection of people and being helpful. The last moral value was respect for other living being and environment that mirrors the characters in being human that cares for their environment. The four types of moral values above were implemented by the main characters and succeeded in changing the child's character from being rebellious and did not behave well to become a better person.



Detail Information

Judul An Analysis of Moral Values in Instant Family (2018) Film
Pengarang Khofifah Salsabila - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI KHO a 2023
Subyek Character and Characterization, film, moral value
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
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