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Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey as Presented in Taxi Driver Film (1976)

This research explored how Travis, the main character in the film Taxi Driver, embarks on a hero’s journey using Joseph Campbell’s theory and Gustav Freytag’s plot theory. The data derived from Travis’ actions and dialogues as he progresses on his path to becoming a hero. There are ten stages that are found in Travis’ journey and the film’s plot follows a linear progression. The exposition introduced the characters in the call of the adventure and supernatural aid, the rising action part consisting of crossing the first threshold, the road of trials, meeting with the goddess, and woman as temptress which align with the complication of the story. Apotheosis is the climax, the ultimate boon and the crossing of the return threshold serves as the falling action, leading to the freedom to live as the final stage of resolution. It can be concluded that even though Travis does not go through the whole stages of the hero’s journey stages. However, he is still considered as a hero because he successfully achieves his goals to save Iris from underage prostitution



Detail Information

Judul Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey as Presented in Taxi Driver Film (1976)
Pengarang Muhammad Satria Valian Akhbar Ishadi Putra - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI MUH j 2023
Subyek Film
Hero's Journey
Taxi Driver
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
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