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Anisa Fajriani - Personal Name

Ma’s Needs Analysis in Emma Donoghue’s Room Novel Using Human Needs Theory of Henry Murray

Need is a process in the brain that can affect thought, perception, and even behavior so that we are driven to try to achieve a certain goal. It makes need very relevant to every human in everyday life. This study discusses about the fulfillment of human needs that is represented through one of the main character in Emma Donoghue’s Room novel named Ma. The aim of this study is to reveal how Ma fulfills her needs based on Henry Murray’s theory of needs. The researcher used qualitative method and psychological approach. Further, the theories used in this analysis are the theory of human needs proposed by Henry Murray and the theory of characterization by M. J. Murphy. The results of this study show that Ma as one of the main characters in the novel, fulfills all types of the needs. Those needs are abasement, achievement, affiliation, aggression, autonomy, counteraction, deference, defendance, dominance, exhibition, harmavoidance, infavoidance, nurturance, order, play, rejection, sentience, sex, succorance, and understanding needs. Meanwhile, the types of needs that Ma experiences the most are affiliation, dominance, nurturance, and sentience needs. On the other hand, the findings show that those representations of the needs are characterized in Ma’s character in speech, reaction, mannerism, and character as seen by others.



Detail Information

Judul Ma’s Needs Analysis in Emma Donoghue’s Room Novel Using Human Needs Theory of Henry Murray
Pengarang Anisa Fajriani - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI ANI m 2024
Subyek Characterization
human needs
Henry Murray
Room novel
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2024
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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