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Ariqah Hanun Khairunnisa - Personal Name

Environmental Issues in 2067 Film

This thesis is entitled Environmental Issues in 2067 Film. The purposeof this study is to describe the environmental issues represented in 2067 filmandtodescribe how the given solution to environmental issues is relevant to Ecosophy. The design of the research was qualitative design. The data of the researchitself were the script of the film and the sequences which were delivered in the formof words, phrases, and sentences. The data was collected by watching the 2067filmrepeatedly while reading the script to find the data that were relatedtoenvironmental issues by using the theory of kinds of environmental issues andthegiven solutions in the film by using ecosophy or the other termof deep ecologytheory by Naess. The result of the research shows the kinds of environmental issues that the researcher found during analyzing through the script andthesequences of events, those are: lack of cultivated land due to loss of restrictions onthe natural resources use, imbalance water flow caused by ignorance of environmental condition, biodiversity loss caused by absence of restrictions onthenatural resources use and ignorance towards the living, air pollution createdinability to live well, injustice between the rich and the poor, and ignorancetowards the future generations. While there is no adaptation fromtheenvironmental changes as a form of resilience in the film



Detail Information

Judul Environmental Issues in 2067 Film
Pengarang Ariqah Hanun Khairunnisa - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI ARI e 2023
Subyek ecocriticism
Environmental Issues
2067 Film
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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