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Muhammad Razil Fauzan - Personal Name

An Analysis of Flouting Maxims in Doctor Strange (2016)

This research is entitled An Analysis of Flouting Maxims in Doctor Strange (2016). The purpose of this research is to describe the factors that occur when maxims are flouted by the characters in Doctor Strange (2016). The design of the research was qualitative design. The data of the research itself were the words, phrases, and sentences uttered by Doctor Strange (2016) characters that contained flouting maxims. The data was collected by transcribing the dialogue and conversation that was uttered by the characters. Then, the researcher highlighted the words, phrases, and sentences that had been identified as a type of flouting maxim. The data analysis was done using Miles and Huberman's analysis stages, which are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The result of the research shows that flouting maxim of relevance was the most dominant used by the character in this film. He often prioritizes his interests and viewpoints over the immediate relevance of the topic at hand. This aligns with the film's exploration of communication challenges across dimensions and realities, emphasizing the consequences of miscommunication and the significance of understanding context in conversation. As the story progresses, Doctor Strange undergoes significant character development, transitioning from arrogance to humility, and the use of flouting relevance serves as a tool to highlight this transformation



Detail Information

Judul An Analysis of Flouting Maxims in Doctor Strange (2016)
Pengarang Muhammad Razil Fauzan - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI MUH a 2023
Subyek Flouting of Maxims
Doctor Strange Film
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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