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Ronaldi - Personal Name

The Descriptive of Types of Slang Found in Cast Away Film

This research is conducted to investigate the types of slang in the movie entitled Cast Away. The data from this study were taken from the film script Cast Away and in conducting this research the researcher used one main theory to answer the researcher's questions. Namely the theory of classification/grouping of slang words which has been explained in the theory of Allan and Burridge. This theory aims to find slang words contained in the film Cast Away. The methodology of this study is descriptive qualitative because it relies on words as data derived from characters in the film Cast Away and is explained descriptively. All data that collected in this study was analyzed through several stages, namely: categorizing slang words, and analyzing slang words using Allan and Burridge's theory. In the Allan and Burridge theory, the division of slang words is divided into five, namely Fresh and Creative, Flippant, Immitative, Acronym, and Clipping. Based on the result above, the researcher suggests the future researcher to continue this research by investigating slang word/slang language in other objects, such as magazines, news, and poetry. In the results of this study, the researcher found 11 data which were divided into four types, consisting of fresh and Creative, Flippant, Immitative, and Clipping.



Detail Information

Judul The Descriptive of Types of Slang Found in Cast Away Film
Pengarang Ronaldi - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI RON t 2023
Subyek slang words
Type of Slang
Movie, Script.
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2003
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan sastra inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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