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Monika Ellana Vila - Personal Name

The Representation of Masculinity in The Breadwinner Film

This research deals with masculinity of the main character Parvana in The Breadwinner film by Nora Twomey and according to a book by Deborah Ellis. The researcher held the masculinity theory by Sandra L. Bem, that is well known as Bem’s Sex Role Inventory. Masculinity is an identity between male and female, whereas it is kind of a rule to distinguish between male and female roles. This research aims to analyze the main character, Parvana with the masculinity represented through her character. This research used qualitative descriptive data which is characterized through sentences, dialogue, and action. The result for this research is supposed to answer the research question, how the masculinity of Parvana is represented in The Breadwinner film. To achieve the correct result, the researcher analyzed the masculinity representation of Parvana’s characterization by Petrie and Boggs. The researcher finally can conclude that this film seems like to
criticize, inform, and declare about the important role of the female character who can survive for her family through her that shown from twenty elements of masculinity, the researcher finds twelve elements of masculinity such as aggressive, ambitious, analytical, athletic, defending own beliefs, forceful, independent, making a decision easily, masculine, self -sufficient, having strong personality, and willing to take risks.



Detail Information

Judul The Representation of Masculinity in The Breadwinner Film
Pengarang Monika Ellana Vila - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI MON t 2023
Subyek Gender
The Breadwinner
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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