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Budiman Al'Arif - Personal Name

EFL Elementary School Teachers’ Technological Content Knowledge and Educational Video Production during Emergency Remote Teaching

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all levels of education in Samarinda switched from face-to-face classes to learning from home. Particularly at the elementary school level, teachers used educational video they made themselves to anticipate this phenomenon. The purposes of this study were (1) To investigate the correlation between the TCK level of EFL elementary school teachers with the educational video they made; (2) To explore the perceptions of these teachers, based on thematic analysis, towards their self-created educational videos. Mixed method approach using a sequential explanatory design with two instruments of EFL Teachers’ TCK Questionnaire and Educational Video Rubric were employed to thirty EFL teachers from six Muhammadiyah elementary schools located in different area in Samarinda. Afterwards, six participants were purposefully selected, based on their educational video score, to participate in the follow-up interviews about how they perceived their self-created video educations for teaching. Using IBM SPSS Statistics version 25, the Pearson Product Moment Correlation showed a significant and moderate positive correlation between EFL teachers’ TCK with the score from their self-created educational video (r = 0.554, p < 0.05). Then, the result from the thematic analysis suggested that teachers perceived their own self-created videos related to their teaching experience, video operational, and acceptance. Implications for future research and suggestions to improve the integration of technology and to encourage English teachers' continuance to develop their skills in creating educational video were provided.



Detail Information

Judul EFL Elementary School Teachers’ Technological Content Knowledge and Educational Video Production during Emergency Remote Teaching
Pengarang Budiman Al'Arif - Personal Name
No. Panggil THESIS BUD e 2023
Subyek TCK
Educational Videos
Emergency Remote Teaching
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurusan magister pendidikan bahasa inggris
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