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Mila Karmila - Personal Name

Women's Bravery of the Main Character in Mulan 2020 Film

Gender inequality is a phenomenon that often occurs in society. Gender inequality usually occurs where individuals get different treatment based on their gender. Gender inequality results from socially defined gender standards based on cultural differences. Inequality that occurs is a form of social discrimination. This research aims to analyze the gender inequality shown in the Mulan 2020 film. This research uses descriptive research methods and a qualitative approach. In this research, the researchers analyzed the data in the form of scenes and also dialogue from the Mulan 2020 film. Two types of gender inequality Amartya Sen that occur in the film, namely special opportunity and household inequality. While there are two types of bravery described by the main character portrayed to fight gender inequality, namely bravery to act deliberately and bravery in facing the danger. Gender inequality can usually be in the form of differences between men and women in accessing education, employment and political, economic and social opportunities in public. Representation of gender inequality is found through characterizations indirectly from external actions, character dialogues, appearances and also reactions from other characters.



Detail Information

Judul Women's Bravery of the Main Character in Mulan 2020 Film
Pengarang Mila Karmila - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI MIL w 2023
Subyek feminism
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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