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Milda Tangdo - Personal Name

An Analysis of Social Conflict in The Hate U Give Film

Social conflict is a phenomenon that occurs in a society where there are irreconcilable differences of opinion between individuals and groups. Social conflict cannot be separated from social life because there will always be differences in each individual or group. This research aims to analyze the social conflict presented in The Hate U Give film. The research was conducted using a descriptive method and a qualitative approach. In this research, the researcher took data from scenes and the conversations of characters in the film. Three types of social conflict of Lewis Coser occur in the film, namely conflict of involving status position, conflict of interest, and conflict of role. Based on this result, several characters can be seen as the portrayal of social conflict. All the representations of social conflict are found through the indirect characterizations of characters’ dialogues, internal actions, external actions, appearance, and choice of name. In conclusion, that can be drawn is that the findings in this research strengthen the fact that there is social conflict in The Hate U Give Film. Such as; the conflict involving the status position had facing by Maverick Carter’s family which is black people and has a lower status in society. Furthermore, the other finding of conflict involving interest occurs when Starr's friends want to join the Justice of Khalil’s protest to skip the class. Then, a conflict of role arose when Starr's parents argued with uncle Carlos, about the investigation of Khalil’s shooting.



Detail Information

Judul An Analysis of Social Conflict in The Hate U Give Film
Pengarang Milda Tangdo - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI MIL a 2023
Subyek characterization, film, social conflict
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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