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English Teachers' Perceptions Toward Using Google Classroom for Online Learning in SMK N 1 Samarinda

Yonas Alberikus N. D. 2022. English Teachers’ Perceptions Toward using Google Classroom for Online Learning in SMK N 1 Samarinda. Thesis. English Language Education Program, Faculty of teacher Training and Education, Mulawarman University, Samarinda. Advisor I : Effendi Limbong, M.Ed., Ed.D, and Advisor II : Dr. Yuni Utami Asih, M.Pd.
The purpose of this study was to find out teachers’ perceptions toward using Google Classroom for online learning in SMK N 1 Samarinda. The design of this study was qualitative case study that aims to see teachers’ perception in using Google Classroom for online learning. The subject of this study was English teachers of SMK N 1 Samarinda. The data were collected through interview. The result of the interview informed that basically all participants stated that Google Classroom was simple and basic to use, they did not have any troubles and nearly never make mistakes when using Google Classroom, and they moreover agreed that Google Classroom was a user-friendly platform. All participants expressed that Google Classroom was simple to learn, numerous guides were accessible on the web for participants to learn from, and they said that it took them between 1 to 2 hours to learn how to use Google Classroom. P1, P2, and P3 moreover expressed that they were satisfied with Google Classroom since it was helpful and fun to use during online learning. Therefore, based on the participants’ statements, P1, P2, and P3 showed positive perception toward the use of Google Classroom for online learning in SMK N 1 Samarinda. Furthermore, P1, P2, and P3 employed different procedures when teaching. P1 attempt to make a fun teaching for students and P2 continuously provided and reminded students about assignments, while P3 use discussion utilizing Google Classroom and Whatsapp when teaching. All participants have no challenges when teaching but have few challenges communicating with students, P1 have issue with notification from Google Classroom that sometimes does not show up on students account, and P2 have difficulty with students who do not know how to use Google Classroom. All participants combined Google Classroom with other media like Whatsapp, Google Meet, and YouTube to test students’ knowledge and to maximize the adequacy of Google Classroom.



Detail Information

Judul English Teachers' Perceptions Toward Using Google Classroom for Online Learning in SMK N 1 Samarinda
Pengarang Yonas Alberikus Novanto Dawing - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI YON e 2023
Subyek Teachers' Perception
Google Classroom, online learning
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2023
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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