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The correlation Between Willingness of Communication and Learning Autonomy of Third Semester Student of English Department University Mulawarman Academic tear 2021/2022

The purposes of this study is to find out the level of willingness to communicate third semester students, to find out the level of independent learning of third semester students, to find out the relationship between the willingness to communicate with the independence of third semester students and the independence of third semester students of the English Department at Mulawarman University for the 2021/2022 academic year. The research design is a correlational design with a quantitative approach. The sample for this study was 75 Semester III students of the English Department at Mulawarman University for the 2021/2022 academic year. The willingness to communicate questionnaire was adapted from Lin & Reinders (2017) and the autonomy questionnaire was adapted from Gardner (1985). The research data were analyzed using the Pearson Product Moment Formula. The results of the Willingness to Communicate (WTC) questionnaire data analysis on the level of students' willingness to speak were categorized as "low" (M = 3.10) based on the levels table (Table 4.2). This means that most students have a passive attitude and do not seem to want to stand out in the learning session by comfortably listening to the teacher rather than actively engaging in conversation. The results of the data analysis of the Autonomy questionnaire show that the level of independence of students is still categorized as "Approaching Autonomy" (M = 3.32)) based on the table of levels of autonomy (Table 4.3). This was supported by 27.01% who agreed and 47.12% said they strongly agreed. The results showed that the correlation level was at 0.434. This means that there is a relationship between the willingness to communicate with student independence because the Pearson Correlation value above r table = 0.231 concludes that participants have sufficient knowledge and supporting factors to increase their independence in learning. Where the level of correlation between the willingness to communicate and independence is included in the positive and moderate category. Thus it can be concluded that students of the English Department of the Teaching and Education Faculty of Mulawarman University have the will and confidence to be responsible and involved in their own way of learning because they have sufficient knowledge and skills needed for communicative learning which is also supported by their abilities.
Keywords: Learning Autonomy, willingness of communication



Detail Information

Judul The correlation Between Willingness of Communication and Learning Autonomy of Third Semester Student of English Department University Mulawarman Academic tear 2021/2022
Pengarang RISTIANY MUSDALIFAH - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI RIS t 2022
Subyek Learning Autonomy, willingness of communication
Bahasa Indonesia
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2022
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Lampiran Berkas

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