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Siti Nurul Jameaah - Personal Name

A Comparative Analysis of Gender Representation in the English Textbooks for Indonesian Junior High School Students

The present study explores the gender representation presented in three English textbooks of junior high school by conducting a comparative analysis of When English Rings a Bell (Book 1), Interactive English 1 (Book 2), and Wider World 1 (Book 3). These three textbooks were published by the Indonesian government, an Indonesian private publisher, and an International publisher, respectively. This study specifically investigated males’ and females’ representations and the typical activities associated with both genders. The analysis includes (1) visual representations (photos and illustrations), (2) written (text) representations, (3) the masculine generic constructions, (4) addressed titles, (5) gender firstness, (6) occupations, (7) mixed-sex dialogues, and (8) the typical activities associated with males and females. Under Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as a method, this study discovered that females were statistically and substantially underrepresented. In contrast, males were dominated textually and visually, including in the visual representations, gender firstness, written, and mixed-sex dialogues. No gender- neutral address titles (Ms.) were found in the three textbooks. Furthermore, the stereotypes of females having a lower proportion, fewer diverse occupations, and feminine specialization in doing household chores still appeared in Book 1 and Book 2. However, positive representations and stereotypes of gender were also revealed in this study. Book 2 and Book 3 obtained the use of trousers, and pink or blue could be used by both genders. They also have visibly equal typical activities in these two textbooks. The study found similar occupation variation and frequency distribution for females and males in Book 3. In addition, it was rare to find masculine generic construction in the three textbooks.



Detail Information

Judul A Comparative Analysis of Gender Representation in the English Textbooks for Indonesian Junior High School Students
Pengarang Siti Nurul Jameaah - Personal Name
No. Panggil TESIS SIT a 2022
Subyek gender bias, textbooks, gender representation
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2022
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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