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The Semantic Deviations of The Dyak Chief by Erwin Clarkson Garrett

Poetry is a literary genre that evolved throughout times, but features a common identity: deviations from linguistics norm to attain aesthetic value. One of such poems is Erwin Clarkson Garrett’s The Dyak Chief. This research purpose to identify and analyze the semantic deviations featured in the The Dyak Chief and how the deviants related to the narrative quality of the poem. The objective of this research is to answer two research questions that the researcher addressed: the types of semantic deviations and how they serve the meaning purpose of the poem. The approach of the research is stylistics which aims to identify the semantic deviations featured in the poem. Furthermore, the concept of narrative poetry was also elaborated in order to answer on how the deviants serve the meaning of the poem. The primary data source is all five parts of the poem, which is part of the anthology The Dyak Chief and Other Verses published in 1914. Based on the conducted research, the poem contains the three main tropes of semantic deviation: semantic oddity (except for paradox), transference of meaning, and honest deceptions (except for litotes). Moreover, these deviations provided revelation, emotional aspect of the main character, and themes of The Dyak Chief. This deviants in turn helped to built the feature of the poem in regards of these three aspects as a narrative poetry.



Detail Information

Judul The Semantic Deviations of The Dyak Chief by Erwin Clarkson Garrett
Pengarang Putera Tiya Ilahi - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI PUT t 2022
Subyek Stylistics, Language Style.
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2022
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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