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RIDUANSAH - Personal Name

Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasional Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Serta Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil Pemerintah Kota Samarinda Dengan Kompensasi Sebagai Pemoderasi

The Effenct Of Organization Commitment And Work Environment On The Civil Servants Job Satisfaction an Work Performance In The City Government With The Compensation As The Moderation
This research was conducted in order to find out and analyse the effect of exogenous variables on endogenous variables and compensation as moderation.
Based on the analysis by Structural Equation Model/SEM approach using WarpPLS 6.0, the value of R square of performace was 0,89 that this model could be explained by the organization commitment, the work environment, the job satisfaction and the compensation as moderation.
The results of the research found that the organization commitment had a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction with path coefficient analysis with a value of 0.470 and P values of ,< 0.0001. The organization commitment had a positive and significant effect on the worker performance with a coefficent path analysis with a value 0, 127 and P values of, , < 0.020.
The work environmet had a postive and significant effect to the employee’s job satisfaction with path coefficient analysis with a value 0,166 and P values of , < 0.004. The work environment had a positive and significant effect with a path coefficient analysis with avalue 0,092 and P values of < 0.071. The job satisfaction had a positive and significant effect with a path coefficient analysis with a value 0,795 and P values of < 0.001. Furthermore, the compesation variable as moderation could not strengthen the organization commitmet effect on the job satisfaction, the work environment effect on the performance as well as the job satusfaction on the performance.



Detail Information

Judul Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasional Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Serta Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil Pemerintah Kota Samarinda Dengan Kompensasi Sebagai Pemoderasi
Pengarang RIDUANSAH - Personal Name
No. Panggil DISERTASI RID p 2022
Subyek organization commitment, work environment,
job satisfaction, performance
Bahasa Indonesia
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2022
Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Lampiran Berkas

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