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Aldino Ade Sofyansyah - Personal Name

Stylistic Analysis of Distorted Harmony's Song Lyric on Chain Reaction Album

Song writers or poet have their own style in writing their literary works, such as violating the syntactical rules and formalities to create unusual combination. This one is called morphological repetition. One of the famous song and group of band that their songs were chosen by the writer as the object is Distorted Harmony. Distorted Harmony also has a style in writing their song lyrics. Therefore, to discover Distorted Harmony’s style, this study aimed to find out the types of morphological repetition used in Distorted Harmony’s song lyrics through stylistic analysis. To conduct this study, Leech, Heinrich F. Plett, and Arthur Quinn theory of morphological repetition and qualitative method were used in this study. The data of this study are in the form of song lyrics. The result of this study showed that 6 types of morphological repetition namely polyptoton, antanaclasis, isolcolon, repititio, epizeuxis, diacope,anaphora, episthrope, symploce, epanalepsis, inclusion, anadiplosis, gradation, ausexis, and palindrome. This were showed in the Distorted Harmony song lyrics. By using these finding, anaphora type was the most frequently used in the Distorted Harmony song lyrics. Functionally, it is to indicate a repetition of word or phase at the beginning of clause of sentences. It means that the lyrics of the song of Distorted Harmony is to add an emphasis or emotion. Otherwise, antanaclasis, repetitio, symploce, epanalepsis, inclusion, anadiplosis, gradation, auxesis, and palindrome were not found in the songs of Distorted Harmony, because those types of morphological repetition may not fit with the idea in the songs of Distorted Harmony or can be said those types of morphological repetition did not in line with the motive of Distorted Harmony want to convey in his song lyric. Through the findings of analysis, the writer found six out of eleven of morphological repetition namely polyptoton, isolcolon, epizeuxis, diacope, anaphora and epistrophe. The writer expected to give a contribution for future researcher who want to conduct a study in the same field of this study, especially in linguistic topic.



Detail Information

Judul Stylistic Analysis of Distorted Harmony's Song Lyric on Chain Reaction Album
Pengarang Aldino Ade Sofyansyah - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI ALD s 2022
Subyek Morphological Repetition
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2022
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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