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Racial Discrimination Reflected in Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give Novel

This research aimed to analyze how racial discrimination happened toward the black characters Starr and Khalil in The Hate U Give novel byAngie Thomas. The purposes of this research are to understand more about racial discrimination that happened to black main characters in this novel and also to identify the type of racial discrimination againts to them. According to Black, Dabady, and Citro, there are four kinds of racial discrimination which are explicit, automatic, satirical, and organizational discrimination. In order to provide deeper interpretation, qualitative research is used as the research method. The analysis found that Starr got one kind of racial discrimination which is explicit discrimination in type of verbal rejection, she got from her white friend Hailey, Starr had to admit that her friend shouted at her “fried chicken” joke when Starr is the one and only black people in the class. This discrimination seen through by dialouge that Starr and Hailey had while they are played basketball together. Meanwhile, Khalil got four kinds of racial discrimination there are physical attack, satirical, automatic and organizational processes from all the types of discrimination found, one of them was caused by the white police is physical attack this discrimination seen through by the narration when the white police took his life with a gunshot.Starr and Khalil both received discrimination because there are black people who lives in the middle of white society, even though neither experienced the same type of discrimination. These kindsof racialdiscrimination can be seen through the characters' narration, dialogue, action, and thoughts. Based on the analysis, the researcher concluded that racial discrimination happened toward black people because of the stereotype created by the white people to them. Key Words : Black people, Racial Discrimination, Race, Multiculturalism.



Detail Information

Judul Racial Discrimination Reflected in Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give Novel
Pengarang Dinda Ulfa Norselya - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI DIN r 2022
Subyek Black people, Racial Discrimination, Race, Multicu
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2022
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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