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Rizka Haniyati Lestari - Personal Name

Students' Attitude toward Online Learning in Learning English during COVID-19 at SMA Budi Luhur Samarinda in Academic Year 2021/2022

This research aimed to know how the students’ attitudes toward online learning in learning English at SMA Budi LuhurSamarinda. The purposes of this study were: (1) to identify and know the students' attitude towardOnline Learning in learning English during COVID-19. (2) to find out the most dominant aspect of students’ attitude toward Online Learning in Learning English during COVID-19. (3)to find out ifthere is no significant difference between students’ attitude toward online learning in learning English based on gender. The design of this study was quantitative research with survey research as the design. In this study 175 students were selected from three graded at SMA Budi LuhurSamarinda as the sample of this research who were chosen randomly. The instrument of this study was questionnaire with 45 statements items. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis with the help of Microsoft Excel and Independent Sample T-Test formula to find out what is kind of the hypothesis.
There were three results of this study. First, the students’ attitude toward online learning in learning English were in medium level and it can be concluded that the students’ attitude was positive. Students stated online learning in learning English was effective, which in turn could make students felt enjoy and comfortable. By having convenience feeling, students start to explores their knowledge and understanding using references that they found independently and in theend it reduce their anxious about not understanding or missing the materials and express their opinions.Second, the most dominant aspect of students’ attitude was behavioural aspect that students showed a variety of positive actions and behaviours that indicate the students were enjoy in the learning English system that was established during the COVID-19 pandemic.The last result showed that the t-count (t_c) 0.942 was lower than t-table (t_t) 1.973. It means the null hypothesis (Ho) was accepted and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was rejected. As the result, there was no significant difference between students’ attitude toward online learning in learning English at SMA Budi LuhurSamarinda based on gender. It means that the students’ attitude toward online learning in learning English during COVID-19 was not affected by the students’ gender, and both male and female students have positive attitude toward online learning in learning English during COVID-19.



Detail Information

Judul Students' Attitude toward Online Learning in Learning English during COVID-19 at SMA Budi Luhur Samarinda in Academic Year 2021/2022
Pengarang Rizka Haniyati Lestari - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI RIZ s 2022
Subyek students’ attitude, English language
Online Learning
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2022
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni
Lampiran Berkas

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