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Joseph Campbell: The Hero's Journey as seen in Doctor Strange Film

This study aims to reveal the hero's journey stages represented in Doctor Strange film by using Joseph Campbell’s theory and to trace the life pattern of a hero in modern story through the plot development proposed by Gustav Freytag. The reasearcher used descriptive qualitative method. This research employed two analysis methods. First, it used monomyth by Joseph Campbell to analyze the journey of the hero from the beginning to the ending. Second, it used the plot development theory by Gustav Freytag that is well known as Freytag’s Pyramid to identify the influences of the hero’s journey stages to the plot development of the story. The result of this study showed that the hero experienced the journey through the phases of Departure, Initiation, and Return that described how the hero began and ended his journey. This study also showed that the plot development of Doctor Strange story moves forwards as the hero moves from one stage to the next. The story line goes perfectly without any interruption or changes of the order pattern of the plot stages.



Detail Information

Judul Joseph Campbell: The Hero's Journey as seen in Doctor Strange Film
Pengarang Dianisa Putri - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI DIA j 2021
Subyek Myth, Mythology, Hero, Hero's Journey, Plot Develo
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2022
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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