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Liberal Feminism Values Reflected in Enola Holmes Film

This research aims to analyze two female characters in Enola Holmes’s film. This research has two objectives. The first is to analyze the characteristics of Enola and Eudoria through characterization theory. The second is to identify liberal feminism values through Enola’s and Eudoria’s characteristics. The second is to identify liberal feminism values through Enola’s and Eudoria’s characteristics. This research used descriptive qualitative research design. The data were narrations, dialogues, and scenes that are related to liberal feminism values.In conducting this research, the researcher used the theory of liberal feminism and the theory of characterization by Boggs and Petrie.The findings of this research showed that Enola’s characteristics are independent, intelligent, and stubborn. Then the researcher found that Eudoria is the ambitious person. Last there are three liberal feminism values that are reflected by the Enola’s and Eudoria’s characteristics in the film; namely equal education, equal liberty, and the suffrage. Hence, it can concluded that this research provides deeper understanding on how women in Victorian era were characterized and depicted. This research shed the light that not all women should behave and followed the standard by the society, which were shown by two women characters in this film.



Detail Information

Judul Liberal Feminism Values Reflected in Enola Holmes Film
Pengarang Dwi Wulan Suciati - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI DWI l 2022
Subyek Liberal Feminism, characterization, suffrage
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2022
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
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