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AUN NURROSAD - Personal Name

Perlocutionary Acts Used by the Students to Respond to the Teacher’s Illocutionary Acts in The Teaching Video of 9 th Grade at LPS Richmond High School.

Nurrosad Aun, 2021. Perlocutionary Acts Used by the Students to Respond to the Teacher’s Illocutionary Acts in The Teaching Video of 9 th Grade at LPS Richmond High School. Final Project. Englis h Language Program. First Advisor: Dr. Yuni Utami Asih, M.Pd, Second Advisor Dr. Noor Rachmawaty, M.Ed
In teaching, communication is a way to deliver information to the hearer. It has an important role both in the learning and teaching process. However, miscommunication might occur between students and a teacher, when the teacher misused instructional utterances. The teacher needs to know illocutionary and perlocutionary to minimize the effect. This research aims to determine the types of the teacher’s illocutionary and students’ perlocutionary in teaching videos of 9 grade at LPS Richmond high school. The subject of this research is an Englis h teacher and students. This qualitative research used content analysis and QCAmap for data collection and analysis techniques recommended by Mayring. Searle’s theory identifies the teacher’s illocution, and Gu’s theory is used to determine students’ perlocution. The researcher found 155 utterances of the teacher’s illocution. He found five types of it, and the directive becomes the most frequently used during teaching causes the teacher gives many instructions. In contrast, the declarative only appears when the students get warnings. Every function of illocutionary acts affects the students’ responses, for instance: The directive produces four effects on the students. Cognitive responses when the students receive assignments, physical responses when the students get instructions to move from the teacher, verbal responses when the students receive instructions to say something after him, and negative responses only occur when the students have a miscommunication with the teacher. On the other hand, representatives develop one response, such as reflexive responses, which triggers the students to do reflex. Next, the commisive is a plan in the class. The commisive generates physical responses. Then, the expressive has two responses, including physical and emotive; the physical is used to react to ice-breaking from the teacher, while the emotive is employed when the students laugh at the teacher’s jokes. The declarative is the least used; therefore, only one response is found, for instance, emotive responses when the students show disappointment towards the teacher. Based on the data, 122 reactions are discovered and classified into several categories. The cognitive is the most frequently used during learning because the teacher employs many directives. In contrast, the negative response is the least utilized because many teacher instructions successfully deliver the message.



Detail Information

Judul Perlocutionary Acts Used by the Students to Respond to the Teacher’s Illocutionary Acts in The Teaching Video of 9 th Grade at LPS Richmond High School.
Pengarang AUN NURROSAD - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI AUN p 2022
Subyek Illocutionary, Perlocutionary,
Content analysis QCAmap, Qualitative
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2022
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Lampiran Berkas

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