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Liza Putri Aurelia - Personal Name

Self-Actualization of the Main Characters in Murakami's Yesterday and Men Without Women Short Stories

The theory of Hierarchy of Needs by Maslow explains that human needs are categorized into stages starting from the very basic needs to the more complicated needs such as self-actualization. This thesis discusses the self-actualization of the main characters in Murakami’s Yesterday and Men Without Women short stories. The purpose of this research is to portray the self-actualization of the main characters in both short stories. Self-actualization is achieved based on 15 characteristics, and there are several characteristics shown by the two main characters. The researcher applied the qualitative research method and psychological approach in this thesis. Based on the analysis, both main characters were successful to complete all the stages in the hierarchy of needs before self-actualization. These stages are physiological needs, security needs, belongingness and love needs, also esteem needs. From the analysis, the main characters revealed themselves as self-actualized people. It is proven from the way they react to a certain event in their life, from their response the researcher found that they can possess characteristics of self-actualizing people, which are capable to accept themselves and others for what they are, worried for the welfare of humanity, having spontaneous, simplicity, and naturalness in the way they think and act, capable to give deep appreciation to the basic live experience, totally creative, perceive reality efficiently and can tolerate uncertainty, and establish a deep satisfying interpersonal relationship with a few people.

Key words: human needs, hierarchy of needs, self-actualization



Detail Information

Judul Self-Actualization of the Main Characters in Murakami's Yesterday and Men Without Women Short Stories
Pengarang Liza Putri Aurelia - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI LIZ s 2022
Subyek hierarchy of needs,
human needs,
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2022
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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