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Yuniah Budiarti - Personal Name

High School EFL Teachers' Strategies to Enhance Students' Engagement in Virtual English Classes in Samarinda

Teachers have a substantial role in the teaching process, as well as enhancing the students' engagement in the educational environment. Furthermore, teachers' comprehension and application of different teaching strategies are crucial because they have a direct effect on classroom practice. This qualitative study aimed to explore the high school EFL teachers’ strategies to enhance the students’ engagement in virtual English classes in Samarinda and the way high school EFL teachers built communication with the students in virtual English classes. For these purposes, virtual classroom observations and interviews were conducted with four high schools EFL teachers in three schools. The result of the study revealed that the most frequent strategies used by high school EFL teachers were Questioning Strategies. The other strategies namely Inquiry, Enhanced Material, Enhanced Context, Assessment, Instructional Technology, and Collaborative were used by high school EFL teachers in different intensities. Furthermore, high school EFL teachers built communication with the students in virtual English classes through synchronous and asynchronous classes. In synchronous classes, the high school EFL teachers built communication by focusing on the students’ participation, through roll call, camera activation, question-answer, and ice breaker activities, meanwhile in asynchronous the high school EFL teachers conducted classroom management to communicate with the students, namely task distribution, group work, teaching aids, and pre/post-teaching activities. High school EFL teachers are recommended to use the appropriate strategies in their virtual English classrooms to enhance the students’ engagement, switch the strategies in their class frequently, communicate with the students regularly in both synchronous and asynchronous activities to keep the connection between teachers and students alive, and monitor the level of students’ engagement to ensure their participation, focus, and understanding during the class. For future research is suggested to enlarge the wider scope to gain more results about high school EFL teachers’ strategies to enhance the students’ engagement in virtual English classes.



Detail Information

Judul High School EFL Teachers' Strategies to Enhance Students' Engagement in Virtual English Classes in Samarinda
Pengarang Yuniah Budiarti - Personal Name
No. Panggil TESIS YUN h 2021
Subyek EFL Teachers, Teachers Strategies, Students' Engag
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2021
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurusan Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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