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MIRA ROSALINA - Personal Name

The Comparative Study of Code Switching Used by The English Teacher in Speaking Class of SMP Nasional Tiga Bahasa Darma Bakti Samarinda in The Academic Year 2021/2022

Rosalina, M. 2021. The Comparative Study Of Code Switching Used By The English Teacher In Speaking Class Of SMP Nasional 3 Bahasa Darma Bakti Samarinda In The Academic Year 2021/2022. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Mulawarman University, Samarinda. Supervisors: (1) Dr. Bibit Suhatmady, S.Pd., M.Pd and (2) Dr. Ventje Jany Kalukar, M. A.
This study was intended to know the types, the functions and difference or similarities of code-switching by the English teacher in 7 and 8 grade students of SMP Nasional 3 Bahasa Darma Bakti Samarinda. The theory used in this study were from Wardaugh (2012) and Mattson & Burenhult (1999). The instrument of this study is the researcher herself. The researcher analyzed 2 meeting in each grade. The total of meeting were 4. The data were teacher recording via zoom meeting. The result showed that in both class, teacher used metaphorical code switching because the students were still lack of vocabulary especially in 7 grade. In grade 7, there were two function of code switching found, affective function and repetitive function. Meanwhile, in grade 8, teacher only used affective function. This function was used for solidarity and emotional expression with students. It was used to help students feel more comfortable with the lesson. It also can make the content of the speech the speech runs smoothly and can be understood by the listener, the teacher uses them because to make students understand. The only different pattern of the code switching used by the teacher is only in the function.



Detail Information

Judul The Comparative Study of Code Switching Used by The English Teacher in Speaking Class of SMP Nasional Tiga Bahasa Darma Bakti Samarinda in The Academic Year 2021/2022
Pengarang MIRA ROSALINA - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI MIR t 2022
Subyek code switching, comparative, English teacher
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2022
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
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