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LISA RUT AMALIA - Personal Name

Students’ Perceptions Toward The Use Of Global, Problem-Solving, And Support Reading Strategies By The Fifth Semester Students Of English Department In Mulawarman University

Amalia, Lisa R. 2021, Students’ Perception Towards the Use of Global, Problem Solving, and Support Reading Strategies by the Fifth Semester Students of English Department in Mulawarman University. S1 Thesis. English Education Department. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
Mulawarman University. Advisors: (1) Dian Anggriyani, M. A (2) Anjar Dwi Astuti, S.S., M. Hum Reading is a basic skill that can improve students’ vocabulary, fluency, speaking and writing, and finally can help them to master their target language (Hung & Ngan, 2015). Nevertheless, learning to read is challenging for many students. Without effective reading strategies, many EFL students are still struggling to overcome their reading comprehension problems. This research is aimed to find out students’ perceptions toward the use of global, problem-solving, and support reading strategy by the fifth semester students of English Department in Mulawarman University. This study also finds out the dominant type students’ reading strategies toward reading English. Both quantitative and qualitative method were utilized in this study. The participants of this study were ninety-six students of the fifth semester of English Education Department at Mulawarman University which were selected by using total population sampling, and eleven students which were selected by using 10% minimum taken from total population. The data of this research were collected through interview and were analyzed by using Thematic Analysis adopted from Creswell (2012). The findings discovered that sixty-two students in the fifth semester of the English Department used problem solving strategies more dominantly compared with support and global strategies. Moreover, the data from the interview gave this study an overview of what exactly the students felt during the reading was. The students think that doing selection, organization and interpretation will help them understand the reading passage and it could refresh their concentration. Further research may be recommended to find out different perceptions that might affect student’s reading strategies with different methodology such as conduct some observations in the classroom to see the implementation of students reading skill which can reflect their reading and enrich the data findings.



Detail Information

Judul Students’ Perceptions Toward The Use Of Global, Problem-Solving, And Support Reading Strategies By The Fifth Semester Students Of English Department In Mulawarman University
Pengarang LISA RUT AMALIA - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI LIS s 2021
Subyek Reading, Reading strategies, Students’ perception
Bahasa Indonesia
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2021
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Lampiran Berkas

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