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The Correlation Between Parental Involvement and English Achievement of the First Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Loa Janan in Academic Year 2019/2020

Pangadongan, Astita Nirmala Sari. 2021. The Correlation Between Parental Involvement and English Achievement of the First Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Loa Janan in Academic Year 2019/2020. Thesis. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Mulawarman University. Advisors: (1) Dr. Aridah, MA, (2) Dr. Ventje Jany Kalukar, M.A.
The purposes of this study are: 1) To know parental involvement of the first grade of SMP Negeri 04 Loa Janan in academic year 2019/2020. 2) To know English achievement of the first grade of SMP Negeri 04 Loa Janan in academic year 2019/2020. 3) To know whether there is any significant correlation between parental involvement and English achievement of the first grade of SMP Negeri 04 Loa Janan in academic year 2019/2020.
The method used in this study was quantitative research and it was designed in a correlation study, and this study used Pearson Product Moment Formula to calculate the correlation. And then, the result of computation was compared to r table through the hypothesis testing acceptance. And the last, result of the relationship was interpreted based on interpretation of correlation coefficient criteria. The data was collected from questionnaire and document. The sample of this study was 30 parents.
The instruments of this study were family involvement questionnaire by Manz, Fantuzzo, and Power (2004) and Documents. The family involvement questionnaire consists of 30 items. Document is the English achievement of student learning achievement report, the researcher asked the English teacher of SMPN 4 Loa Janan for English achievement.
The results of this study showed that r computed is 0.835 at a = 0.05 and df - 28. Whereas, r table at a = 0.05 is 0.374. So, r computed is higher than r table (0.835 > 0.374). So, the research problem have been answered, there is a correlation between parental involvement and English achievement of the first grade of SMP Negeri 4 Loa Janan in the academic year 2019/2020, thus alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.



Detail Information

Judul The Correlation Between Parental Involvement and English Achievement of the First Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Loa Janan in Academic Year 2019/2020
Pengarang Astita Nirmala Sari Pangadongan - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI AST t 2021
Subyek correlation
Parental involvement
Bahasa Indonesia
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2021
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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