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Nurhalimah - Personal Name

Students’ Preferences Toward Teacher’s Written Corrective Feedback at MAN 1 Samarinda

Nurhalimah. 2021. Students’ Preferences toward Teachers’ Written Corrective Feedback at MAN 1 Samarinda. S1 Thesis. English Department of Mulawarman University. Samarinda. Advisor I: Dr. Iwan Setiawan, M. Pd and Advisor II: Dr. Yuni Utami Asih, M. Pd
Written corrective feedback is when a teacher provides students with written feedback that recognises correct forms. There are several varieties of written corrective feedback, which are distinguished primarily by the manner in which it is delivered (directly or indirectly) and the correction's intended outcome (focused or unfocused).
Regarding these types of feedback, this study was conducted to know the students’ preferences toward written corrective feedback, also to find out the students’ self reflection from getting teacher’s written corrective feedback by the eleventh grade social students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Samarinda.
The design of this study was explanatory sequential design. The sample of this study were 260 of the eleventh grade social students. Questionnaire and interview items were selected for this study, because it was used to analyze the data about students’ preferences and to measure how students process corrective feedback in the form of students’ selfreflection.
The result of this study was analyzed by using 5-point Likert scale with the program of SPSS 21 to answered the quantitative research and interactive model was used to analyzed the qualitative data. The result of this study showed that students prefer comprehensible feedback that targets as many errors as possible by underlining them and providing the correct forms for each error type which mean students’ most favorable written corrective feedback was directunfocused corrective feedback. More, eleventh grade social students in MAN 1 Samarinda applied written corrective feedback in their writing positively.



Detail Information

Judul Students’ Preferences Toward Teacher’s Written Corrective Feedback at MAN 1 Samarinda
Pengarang Nurhalimah - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI NUR s 2021
Subyek students’ preferences, students’ self reflection
written corrective feedback
Bahasa Indonesia
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2021
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Lampiran Berkas

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