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Manalu Yerico Calvin - Personal Name

An Analysis of the Relationship between Humans and Humans Using Ecocriticism in Gorden J.L Ramel's Poem

Manalu Yerico Calvin 1614025040 , Advisor : Singgih Daru Kuncara, M.Hum Fatimah Muhajir, M.Hum
An Analysis of the Relationship between Humans and Nonhumans Using Ecocriticism in Gorden J.L Ramel’s Poem
The research aims to analyze the relationship between humans and nonhumans and the representation of nature in Gorden J.L Ramel’s Poem entitled “Mankind Doesn’t Agree”, “Tiger Tiger Revisited”, and “Daffodils No More”. This research used ecocriticism theory by Greg Garrard. The two concepts of ecoriticism were used by the researcher. The concepts of animals and pastoral were used to analyze the relationship between humans and nonhumans and the representation of nature in the poem. The researcher used a qualitative method to analyze the poem. The data is analyzed by the researcher in the forms of words or sentences in verse and stanza in each poem. The results of this research shows that the relationship between humans and nonhumans in the poem is irrelevant. The relationship that was shown in the poem such as humans use cages towards birds that makes birds imprisoned, the illegal poaching towards tigers that tortured tigers then affects the number of them decrease, and the daffodils that has been replaced by humans makes the population decrease and it makes the diversity of animals around them gone. Humans should not do abusive or disruptive actions towards animals as the concept of animals mentioned like humans and animals should have a good relationship, which means humans should treat animals well. The relationship that was shown in the poem is that humans have a disharmonious relationship with nonhumans. Humans make birds desperate because of the cages. Humans make tigers tortured because of the illegal logging. The replacement that has been done by humans makes the number of daffodils decrease then disturbing the diversity around the daffodils. The existence of nature should be stable, as mentioned by the pastoral concept, it should not be ruined by humans. Otherwise, its existence is the counter of disruptive energy and change of human societies.
Key words: Ecocriticism, Nature, Animals, Pastoral



Detail Information

Judul An Analysis of the Relationship between Humans and Humans Using Ecocriticism in Gorden J.L Ramel's Poem
Pengarang Manalu Yerico Calvin - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI MAN a 2021
Subyek Ecocriticism, Nature, Animals, Pastoral
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2021
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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