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Febry Viona Caroline - Personal Name

Gender Discrimination Toward Josey Aimes as the Main Character in North Country Film

Febry Viona Caroline, 1414025039 Advisors: Drs. H.M. Natsir, M.Pd Nasrullah, S, S, M.A Gender Discrimination Toward Josey Aimes as the Main Character in North Country film.
The purpose of this research is to find out the kinds of gender discrimination toward Josey in North Country film. Further, the other purpose of this research is to identify Josey’s responses against gender discrimination as depicted in the film. In this research, the researcher focuses to examine kinds of gender discrimination by using Sheila McLean’s theory about kinds of gender discrimination and also focuses on what Josey’s responses against gender discrimination that happened to her in North Country film by using Feagin and Sikes’s theory of responses. Furthermore, the researcher uses qualitative-descriptive research and Miles and Huberman’s data analysis. In this film, the researcher finds there are four kinds of gender discrimination that have appeared in the film. The kinds of gender discrimination are subordination, marginalization, stereotype, and violence. In addition, those kinds of gender discrimination that happened toward Josey made Josey acted three kinds of responses toward it. The three responses that showed by Josey in the film are withdrawal, resigned acceptance and verbal confrontation.

Key Words: Gender Discrimination, Sheila McLean’s Gender Discrimination, Feagin and Sikes’s Kinds of Responses, North Country.



Detail Information

Judul Gender Discrimination Toward Josey Aimes as the Main Character in North Country Film
Pengarang Febry Viona Caroline - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI FEB g 2021
Subyek Gender Discrimination,
Sheila McLean’s Gender Discrimination,
and Sikes’s Kinds of Responses,
North Country
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2021
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Iggris
Lampiran Berkas

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