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Zahratin Nor - Personal Name

Byronic Hero in the Main Character of Elizabeth Cody Kimmel’s ParaNorman Novel

Zahratin 1414025020
Byronic Hero in the Main Character of Elizabeth Cody Kimmel’s ParaNorman Novel.
In this study, the researcher analyzed Norman as the main character in ParaNorman novel who has Byronic hero characteristics. The researcher also analyzed the hero’s journey. This study used theories from Peter Thorslev and Atara Stein for the Byronic hero characteristics and Evie Lotze for the stages of hero's journey. The objective of this study to find out the Byronic hero characteristics and the stages of hero’s journey portrayed through the main character. The results of this study show Norman have several characteristics which included anti-social, superhuman-abilities, tender with girls, rebel, restless wandering, responsible and mysterious person. By analyzing the characteristics of the Byronic hero from this novel, it was found that the journey Norman had in ParaNorman followed the stages of all the four stages of Hero’s journey such as the call, wandering, get help from unlikely places and others, and the last triumph or returning with the boon. Therefore, by analyzing characteristics and the stages of the hero’s journey by using theories from Peter Thorslev, Atara Stein, and Evie Lotze this study had concluded that Norman was able to fulfill the stages of the hero journey as a Byronic hero character in ParaNorman novel.

Key words: Characteristic, Byronic Hero, Hero’s Journey



Detail Information

Judul Byronic Hero in the Main Character of Elizabeth Cody Kimmel’s ParaNorman Novel
Pengarang Zahratin Nor - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI ZAH p 2021
Subyek Characteristic, Byronic Hero, Hero’s Journey
Bahasa Indonesia
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2021
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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