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Rika Alpiah - Personal Name

The Ideas of Liberal Feminism as Depicted in Madame Wu in Buck's Pavilion of Women Novel

Rika Alpiah Advisors: 1414025146 Satyawati Surya, M.Pd. Fatimah Muhajir, M.Hum.
The Ideas of Liberal Feminism as Depicted in Madame Wu in Buck’s Pavilion of Women Novel

In this research, the researcher analyzes the main female character named Madame Wu. The researcher shows evidences of the liberal ideas of feminism which are reflected in Madame Wu's character. Liberal feminism theory is used for analyzing Mary Wollstonecraft's based on her book A Vindication of The Rights of Woman. Wollstonecraft's book is about the struggle for having equal rights for women. The data source for this research is Pearl S Buck's novel, Pavilion of Women. The data of this research are evidences that show the ideas of liberal feminism which are reflected in Madame Wu's character. The results of this research, found three aspects of liberal feminism towards Madame Wu, which are following the theory of Wollstonecraft. Based on this analysis, the researcher concludes that Madame Wu's character represents liberal feminism. Madame Wu does movement and fights for having equal rights as men have in the aspects of equal education, freedom, and power of reason to become autonomous in patriarchal society.
Key words: liberal feminism, equal education, freedom, power of reason to become autonomous.



Detail Information

Judul The Ideas of Liberal Feminism as Depicted in Madame Wu in Buck's Pavilion of Women Novel
Pengarang Rika Alpiah - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI RIK t 2021
Subyek liberal feminism, equal education, freedom,
power of reason to become autonomous.
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2021
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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