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Fachmi Adam - Personal Name

Persuasive Speech Acts in Nadiem Makarim's Speeches

ADAM, FACHMI. 2020. Persuasive Speech Act in Nadiem Makarim’s Speeches (Under supervisors of Effendi Limbong. M.Ed., Ed.D. and Dr. Dessy Rusmawaty, MA). Graduate student. Thesis. Graduate Program of English Education. Mulawarman University Samarinda.

The Research aimed to identify, categorize, describe and measure the Persuasive Speech Acts of the subject. The consideration was that the subject is a public official who has conveyed his ideas persuasively and is able to animate public discourse. In this study, the subject’s persuasive speech acts were examined to be categorized, described and measured using Austin's, Searle's and Flores' taxonomies.

The type of research was qualitative and descriptive. The data were the Locution and Illocution of Nadiem Makarim. Data collection was started by downloading the videos from The videos were observed, one video in Indonesian was translated in English and both were transcribed into Text I and Text II. Data Analysis was started by determining the text containing the utterances into data by using the Speech Act Theory. The researcher used the taxonomy of Austin and Searle to determine the Locution and Illocution. The analysis was continued by putting the literal meaning on Locution analysis and contextual meaning on Illocution analysis. The final analysis was conducted to determine the Persuasive Speech Acts of the subject using Flores’ taxonomy. The Illocutionary data was counted to determine the core of Persuasive Speech Acts. The triangulation is used to validate the data.

The results showed that Nadiem Makarim had a dominant declarative Locution followed by interrogative and imperative Locution. In terms of Illocution, the subject showed Assertive Illocution followed by Directive Illocution as dominant Illocution followed by Commissive, Directive, Expressive and finally Declarative. In terms of Persuasive Speech Acts, the subject tends to reveal the commitment to tell the truth. Furthermore, results showed the commitment to share the vision at the second level followed by the mood /emotion in the third place. Intention and Authority appear as the fewest Persuasive Speech Acts. In conclusion, Nadiem Makarim’s dominant Locution is declarative that shows a leader who tends to convey the ideas, goals and results of the programs he runs to the public. He severely limits the Interrogative Locution except for quoting the questions. The imperative Locution was not even visible from the results of the analysis. He’s appeared as a leader who does not easily order something but chooses to deliver it. The results of Illocutionary analysis showed that He’s an Assertive person who prefers to convey the facts that occurred to convince the public to understand the problems that occurred and work on them together. In Persuasive speech acts, He was described as a leader who is committed to conveying what is true and does not manipulate the public with propaganda or such things. He is also very careful to use his power in determining a decision or a policy. Moreover, the future studies may conduct the formula by adding the Perlocutionary as the part of SAT analysis, also the semantic analysis to profoundly the study of character of speech act.

Key Words: Speech Act Theory, Persuasive Speech Acts, Categorizing



Detail Information

Judul Persuasive Speech Acts in Nadiem Makarim's Speeches
Pengarang Fachmi Adam - Personal Name
No. Panggil THESIS FAC p 2020
Subyek Speech Act Theory
Persuasive Speech Acts, Categorizing
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2020
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurusan Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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