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Indah Sari - Personal Name

The Unfair Treatment Issues Towards African-America Women as Portrayed in Hidden Figures Film

This study describes the tpes of geder discrimination and racial discrimination that are obtained by African-American women characters in Hidden Figures film. In order to describe the two unfair treatments, this study uses two theories such as Lorber's gender inequality and Miles' racism. The research design was descriptive qualitative. The data of this stud were taken from Hidden Figures film in the forms of words and scenes related to the two concerns of unfair treatment. This study found eight data of gender discrimination and ten data of racial discrimination that were obtained by the three African-American women characters of Hidden Figures film. The result of this stud showed that: (1) Katherine obtained the treatments of gender discrimination through educational and cultura aspects and racially discriminated through the institutional and ultimately teleological racisms; (2) Dorothy obtained the gender discrimination treatments through the aspect of culture and racially discriminated by the institutional and ultiately teleological racisms; and (3) Mary obtained the gender discrimination treatments through the educational, cutural, and racia aspects and raciall discriminated by the institutional racism. This study concludes that the three African-American women eperience unfair treatments in two forms which are the gender discrimination and racial discrimination.
Key words: unfair treatment, gender discrimination, racial discrimination



Detail Information

Judul The Unfair Treatment Issues Towards African-America Women as Portrayed in Hidden Figures Film
Pengarang Indah Sari - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI IND t 2021
Subyek unfair treatment, gender discrimination, racial di
Bahasa Indonesia
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2021
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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