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Shandy Asmaribsa - Personal Name

Analysis of Curriculum 2013 English Textbook for Nine Graders of Junior High School

This thesis is designed to know the conformity of Completeness of Material between English textbook of Nine Graders of Junior High School and in the Curriculum 2013 and to know the conformity of material given by between English textbook of Nine Graders of Junior High School and in the Basic Competencies of Syllabus Curriculum 2013. The Think Globally Act Locally English Textbook act as the object of the data. The data that researcher analyze is the material/content provided in the Think Globally Act Locally English Textbook. Data is analyzed by conducting the instrument of content eligibility based on BSNP. It can be concluded that the completeness of material in the book is compatible with the curriculum 2013. Because, completeness of material is very conform (86,53%) with the completeness of material aspect from content appropriateness/content eligibility indicator based on BSNP, and the material presented is very conform (80%) with the syllabus of Curriculum 2013. Think Globally Act Locally English textbook cover most of the materials. If teacher and students hold with Think Globally Act Locally English Textbook as primary book, they should consider using another learning tool/learning support, in order to greatly achieve the aim of curriculum 2013 program.
Key word : English Textbook, Curriculum 2013, Conformity



Detail Information

Judul Analysis of Curriculum 2013 English Textbook for Nine Graders of Junior High School
Pengarang Shandy Asmaribsa - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI SHA a 2020
Subyek English Textbook, Curriculum 2013, Conformity
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2020
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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