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The Effectivenes of the use os Scanning Technique to Improve Students reading Comprehension at The Nine Grade of MTs N 1 Tenggarong in Academic year 2019/2020

The effectiveness of the Use of Scanning Technique to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension at the nine Grade f MTs Negeri 1 Tenggarong in Academic Year 2019/2020, The research findings have shown (1) Data analysis of Pre-test and Post-test of Control groups indicated that the mean score of post-test of control group 64,38 and the mean score of pre-test of control group was 60.9. (2) Data analysis of pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Groups indicated that the mean score of post-test of Experimental groups was 74,82 and the mean score of pre-test of Experimental group was 62,80. (3) the mean score of the students who have been taught by using extensive reading strategy was 74,82 while the mean score of the students who have been taught without using extensive reading strategy was 67,75. In addition, the findings of t-test revealed the t_(value )was higher than t_table (0,10>0,05) and the 〖sig〗_(value )was higher than the 〖sig〗_(level )(0.000 < 0.05) which meant that there was significant difference of the mean score between experimental groups’ post-test and control groups’ post-test.



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Judul The Effectivenes of the use os Scanning Technique to Improve Students reading Comprehension at The Nine Grade of MTs N 1 Tenggarong in Academic year 2019/2020
Pengarang siti komaria - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI SIT t 2020
Subyek Keywords: Reading, Scanning technique, Reading Com
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2020
Penerbit Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Jurusan pendidikan bahasa inggris
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