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Musdalifa - Personal Name

An Analysis of Conversational Implicatures of the Main Characters in Lady Bird Film: A Pragmatic Study

Every participant involved in communication process is assumed to be cooperative so that the intentions of verbal activities can be achieved. However, in reality, sending purposes is not always conveyed straightforwardly. In practice, a person may not get to the point of the conversation where s/he is expected to speak honestly, informatively, relevant, and appropriately that are remarkably understood by the interlocutor. In terms of language, this phenomenon is known as the conversational implicature in which participants prefer to imply their extra or hidden meaning that is communicated behind utterances spoken. From that kind of phenomenon, this research aims to examine the phenomenon in the conversation of the two main characters in the Lady Bird film by applying Grice's theory to determine the implicature form and Searle's illocutionary classification theory to determine the function of the implicatures as the main theories and the supporting theory by Hymes for portraying context of conversation which determines the factors that influence communication. This study also uses qualitative method and content analysis approach to process data in the form of dialogue to identify conversation implicatures which are categorized into two, namely generalized conversation implicature and particularized conversation implicature and the function classification in declarative, representative, directive, expressive and commissive form.
Key words: cooperative principle, maxims, conversational implicature, illocutionary acts



Detail Information

Judul An Analysis of Conversational Implicatures of the Main Characters in Lady Bird Film: A Pragmatic Study
Pengarang Musdalifa - Personal Name
No. Panggil SKRIPSI MUS a 2020
Subyek cooperative principle, maxims, conversational impl
Bahasa English
Tempat Terbit Universitas Mulawarman
Tahun Terbit 2020
Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Lampiran Berkas

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